365INO [A] 7901 4th St. N. | Suite 4540 | St. Petersburg, FL 33702 | [P] 727-819-4456 | [F] 813-475-6665
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Employee Health and Safety
365INO is committed to providing a safe, healthful and
environmentally responsible workplace, and has established
safety programs to provide information and training for safe
practices in the normal conduct of business and for emergencies.
We are responsible for observing safety and health rules, for
taking appropriate precautionary measures and for reporting
unsafe or hazardous conditions to our supervisors or 365INO’s
Security personnel. In order to maintain our high standards for
quality, productivity and safety, we should be in suitable mental
and physical condition at work. Possessing, buying or selling,
using or being under the influence of illegal drugs or engaging
in any other activities which create an unsafe work environment
while on duty, or when on 365INO’s premises or contractor
work environments, are expressly prohibited. The consumption
of alcohol while on duty, working on 365INO’s contracts or
when on 365INO’s premises is prohibited except during
approved 365INO social functions, or during business meals.
Our Responsibility To Consumers
Product Quality and Safety
365INO is continually building a reputation for quality and is
amongst its most valuable assets. Our commitment to quality is
an integral part of our processes, and is essential to the success
of our business. We will meet or exceed legal requirements and
industry standards for quality. We strive every day to earn our
consumers’ trust through our dedication in these areas.
Employees have an obligation to immediately report any
concerns about quality to 365INO’s Executive Leadership.
Client Information
We respect the confidentiality of client information consistent
with applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations.
We don’t share, sell or trade private or sensitive personal
information obtained online without prior consent or unless
compelled by the legal process.
Advertising and Promotions
365INO’s brand and product promotion activities should be
conducted in a manner consistent with applicable laws and
with our reputation for honesty and integrity. We adhere to
high standards of commercial fairness in ads and promotions.
We must accurately portray the features, quality and performance
of our products in all advertising media. We do not misstate
facts or provide misleading or deceptive information about
365INO’s products and services, or the products and services
of our competitors. We should be diligent in safeguarding the
reputation of 365INO by being selective about promotional
opportunities, such as event sponsorship and other joint
promotions, avoiding association of 365INO’s name with any
product, service or activity which might be considered unsafe.
Our Responsibility To Shareholders
Protecting 365INO’s Assets
All employees and Executives share in the responsibility to
protect 365INO’s assets, including physical assets, financial
assets, intellectual property and proprietary information from
theft, loss, damage, misuse or waste. Those of us who have
custody of company property, such as vehicles and laptop
computers, should take appropriate measures to ensure their
proper security and use at all times, when items are in their
possession. Company assets should not be used for illegal
purposes, or for personal benefit. (Except as may be allowed in
company-approved compensation arrangements). Incidental
personal use of company assets, such as telephones, personal
computers and photocopying machines, is permitted as long
as such use does not interfere with the employee's duties, is not
done for monetary gain, does not conflict with 365INO’s business
and does not violate any 365INO policy or applicable law. The
security of computer systems and electronic data should be
protected by allowing access only by authorized persons.
Commitments and Expenditures
365INO has established policies that grant authority and
establish review and approval requirements for commitments
and expenditures. These guidelines apply to all financial
expenditures (including capital expenditures), and to all
agreements that commit 365INO’s resources and define its
business activities. Licensing agreements, joint ventures or
other strategic agreements, and contracts for the engagement
of services, investments, acquisitions, or the lease or sale of
corporate assets are examples of commitments subject to these
guidelines. Only officers of 365INO (generally those having a
title at or above the VP level) are authorized to enter into